Database preservation workflow

Magnífico, o SIARD assim se apresenta como um novo patamar na Preservação Digital de Bancos de Dados em Repositórios Digitais com Pacotes OAIS SIP (RDC-Arq), vídeo compartilhado de Miguel Ferreira​ no Youtube:

Relational databases are one of the most important technologies supporting today’s information management activities. They are designed to store, organize and explore digital records that not only support but also document day-to-day business operations. Very often, these records are irreplaceable or prohibitively expensive to reacquire by other means rendering the preservation of databases a serious concern.

This page focus on workflows, tools and standards to allow information managers to extract, archive and preserve records of information currently managed by relational databases.

The most relevant initiatives in this context are the Database Preservation Toolkit, the Database Visualization Toolkit and the SIARD 2.0 preservation format.

The following screencast aims to illustrate how all these tools fit together in a full-cycle archiving and preservation workflow for relational databases.


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CNA Salvador 2024